Workshop for PhD. Students 2021

On 28/10/2021, as part of the KEGA project International establishment of a doctoral study program in the field of biotechnology and food industry (MeD-BioFood) under the supervision of prof. Ing. Adriana Kolesárová, PhD. held an international online workshop for PhDs. students. Doctoral study coordinators from the four participating universities: Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra; Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland; The Miguel Hernandez University in Elche, Spain and The University of Molise, Italy presented study opportunities at individual universities as well as scientific research activities. 23 doctoral students - 5 from Poland, 8 from Spain, 5 from Italy and 5 from Slovakia - presented their research in the field of biology, food industry and biotechnology. All presentations were well prepared, as evidenced by the expert discussion moderated by Ing. Tomáš Jambor, PhD., as well as Ing. Anton Kováčik, PhD. and Ing. Jaroslav Michalko, PhD.

A significant benefit of active participation in the workshop was not only the knowledge of current scientific research activities abroad, but above all the establishment of new collaborations and friendships.

Presenters were awarded virtual certificates for active participation in the workshop.

1_Book of Abstracts_2021.pdf