Today, the need to modernise and increase the attractiveness of higher/university education to the European level is a priority for many educational institutions. The tool for quality enhancement is the preparation and design of study programmes with innovative elements, current knowledge and creative ideas that will be interesting and forward-looking for the global labour market. The proposed project offers the possibility of implementing modern elements of e-learning and meeting international needs using English language into biotechnologies and food industry. Through key teaching activities and practical laboratory activities, the graduate will be ready to meet the enormous demands of current research and achieve highly qualified development in the agrifood and biotechnology sectors. For this reason, the internationalisation of study programmes is an essential element in reducing the differences in EU higher education and training in an important way. Higher education in food and biotechnology disciplines clearly requires continuous innovation in in vivo and in vitro methodological practices, as well as innovative interactive teaching methods in terms of developing student critical thinking. Practical skills and personal skills acquired during the university studies thus designed will ensure sufficient competitiveness and work efficiency of Medzinárodné etablovanie doktorandského študijného programu v oblasti biotechnológie a potravinárstva MeD-BioFood 8/36 Identifikátor: 20200529061365910 graduates. Obtaining validated and applicable knowledge from professional issues is a constant challenge for both educators and students. Recently, universities have modernised their teaching methods and use new techniques and approaches in the scientific-educational process.

This project will benefit from the preparation of innovative means in teaching the study programme “Food Resources and Biotechnology”, the preparation of the concept of teaching materials as well as the design of online modules necessary for laboratory and research practice. Meeting these partial objectives with a focus on intensification of student education will enable graduates to acquire skills and competencies internationally and will be able to face future challenges in the agri-food sector professions. The main idea is to internationalize the study program that, thanks to international cooperation, applications of innovative teaching methods, theoretical and practical content, will be able to reach an internationally accepted level and contribute to making the education of future researchers more effective.